Find quick answers in these FAQs

Step 1: Reception Assistance:

Our front office staff will assist you throughout the admission process. They will generate a Unique Identification Number (UID) for the patient, which will be used for maintaining and storing all medical records for future reference.

Step 2: Room Selection and Estimate:

Our staff will guide you in selecting the appropriate category of room based on your preference and provide an estimate of the costs involved. An advance deposit will be required, which will be adjusted against the final bill at the time of discharge.

Step 3: Patient Admission.

There are 3 scenarios in which a patient is admitted: Paramount Hospital Consultant advises admission Your personal doctor advises hospitalization Paramount Hospital Casualty Department advises admission a) Routine Admission Procedure: The admission procedure includes filling appropriate forms, taking appropriate consents, preparation of the patient, emergency admission if required, routine admission, and planning for eventual discharge. Our admission counter staff follow a strict protocol to ensure a seamless admission and discharge process. b) Emergency Admission Procedure: Your patient will be attended to immediately by our medical staff. You will be told about your patient’s condition and requirement for admission. With your verbal consent, all treatment will immediately begin. You will then be directed to the admission counter to follow admission steps as above. Rest assured your patient’s treatment will not be held back till you complete the admission process.

Step 4: Insurance/TPA Desk:

If you’re seeking a cashless route, you’ll need to visit the insurance desk/TPA desk for hospitalization formalities.

Step 5: Patient Comfort and Onboarding Completion:

Once all formalities are completed, our staff will escort the patient to the allotted room/bed, ensuring you feel comfortable and well-informed. We’re here to assist you at every step, making the admission process at Paramount Hospital a hassle-free experience.

A Patient’s Admission is based on these scenarios:

  • Paramount Hospital Consultant advises admission
  • Your personal doctor advises hospitalization
  • Paramount Hospital Casualty Department advises admission

Admission registration for direct patients

Patients referred by outside doctors or directly seeking admission can get their registration done at the first floor reception counter for general wards/ second class or first class rooms, and at the office on the second floor for admission in iccu/super deluxe/deluxe/ semi deluxe or sharing rooms. Once registration is done, then the patient gets a permanent id number, which can be referred to in future if further hospitalization required at a later date. A written consent is mandatorily documented for all routine medical and surgical patients.

In certain cases when a patient may require admision through TPA, then there are certain processes to adhere to. Requirements for registration for Insurance patients are:

  • Patient’s Photo ID proof. (Copy of Passport/ Adhar card/ Pan Card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ School ID/ college ID/ Employee ID)
  • Current year policy papers (In certain cases previous years policy papers may be required by the insurance companies, kindly keep them readily available.)
  • At the time of admission a refundable security deposit is taken from all patients, the deposit varies according to the class of admission and will be informed at the time of admission. This deposit amount is refunded once the final payment is received by the hospital, after adjusting the deduction of non payable items and any co-payment by patient.
  • Patient/ relative should inform about the type of room they want to get admission in, at the time of registration.

The discharge process at Paramount Hospital is designed to be smooth and efficient. Your nurse will guide you through the process, which may take a few hours to complete. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Bill Settlement: Once your final bill is generated, it needs to be settled. You can make the payment in cash or via credit/debit card/ UPI/ Bank Transfer (NEFT/RTGS)
  2. Discharge Summary: The nurse will provide you with a discharge summary. This document contains details about your diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care.
  3. Medication Instructions: The nurse will explain any medications that you need to continue taking after discharge, along with any other follow-up instructions.
  4. Ambulance Services: If you require a medical ambulance for transportation to your home, please inform the nurse. She will arrange this for you.
  5. Hospital check out time is 12:00 noon. Normally no additional bed charge is levied if a patient leaves by 2:00 pm, else the next day charge is applicable.
  6. Once a patient is discharged from the consultant’s side, a detailed discharge card is given, along with details of on discharge medicines and next follow up with the doctor.
  7. In case of transfer to some higher center, a detailed transfer summary is given to the patient’s relative, and also an ambulance is arranged for safe transportation of the patient.
  8. Process for DAMA: If a patient or relative/s wants discharge against doctor’s advice, then the patient can be discharged after accepting a written consent that Paramount Hospital or its doctors will not be responsible if the condition of the patient deteriorates after taking the patient home.
The experience of two and a half decades in delivering affordable healthcare services in a patient-friendly environment with a strong belief in ethics and transparency is now an ingrained practice at Paramount Hospital. We have standard operating policies for visitors at Paramount. Those are outlined below, and we expect visitors to adhere to them:

Visiting Hours

The hospital visiting hours –
Morning 10.00 am to 12.00 noon
Evening – 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Visiting hours on Sundays and Public Holidays – Same as above ​

Visitor’s Pass

  • You are requested to collect the Visitor’s and Attendant’s pass from the reception.
  • Only one visitor pass is issued per patient.
  • A reliever pass can be collected from the front office desk at the time of admission procedure.
  • Only one visitor is allowed to visit the ICU at one time Children below the age of 12 are not allowed into patient’s rooms.

We appreciate the role of family and friends in the recovery process. However, to ensure the comfort of all patients, Paramount Hospital has set the following guidelines for visitors:

  • For the comfort of all our patients, visitors are requested to adhere to the visiting hours only
  • Depending on the patient’s medical condition and special needs, visitor restrictions may apply.
  • At admission, attendant and visitor passes will be issued. These should be displayed while in the hospital premises. In case of loss, please contact the reception staff on the 1st & 2nd floor reception.
  • To prevent potential infections, children under the age of 12 are not allowed on patient floors.
  • Visitors are requested to sanitize their hands before and after visiting.
  • The use of mobile phones is prohibited in areas where critical medical equipment and patient monitoring systems are operational. Please follow all posted signs regarding cell phone usage and use them only in approved areas. If necessary, please speak softly to avoid disturbing other patients.

As a patient or attendant at Paramount Hospital, you have the following responsibilities:

  • Appointments: Please ensure to keep your appointments, arrive on time, and inform the hospital if you are unable to make it.
  • Information: Provide complete and accurate details, including personal information, next-of-kin particulars, and past medical history.
  • Participation: Actively participate in your treatment plan and keep your healthcare team informed about the effectiveness of your treatment.
  • Valuables: The hospital is not responsible for your  valuables. Please bring only necessary items.
  • Respect and Courtesy: Treat all hospital staff, patients, and visitors with respect. Abide by hospital rules, be considerate of noise levels, privacy, visitor numbers, and comply with the ‘No Smoking’ policy.
  • Consent: Ensure you understand all instructions before signing consent forms.

As a patient or attendant at Paramount Hospital, you have the following rights:

  • Right to Personal dignity and respect
  • Right to confidentiality of information
  • Right to explicit consent
  • Right to discontinue Teleconsultation at any time
  • Right to information about treatment and healthcare needs
  • Right to receive information about expected cost of treatment
  • Right to access medical records
  • Right to voice complain
  • Right to Second opinion

TPA Insurance:

At Paramount Hospital, we understand that managing healthcare expenses can be a significant concern for patients. To ease this burden, we offer Third Party Administrator (TPA) Insurance services. TPA Insurance is a service provided by an organization that processes insurance claims for both the insurer and the insured. We have established tie-ups with various insurance companies to facilitate easy payments for our patients. This means that if you have a policy that covers services rendered away from your place of residence, we can directly discuss payment options with your insurance provider. This cashless mediclaim service allows you to focus on your recovery/ the patient’s recovery without worrying about immediate out-of-pocket expenses. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you in understanding your policy benefits and to hand-hold you through the process.


How can you ensure you are using your Insurance?

A patient who wishes to avail insurance coverage needs to follow the following process to avail treatment at Paramount

  • Contact our care coordinator and enquire about using your insurance with Paramount
  • Get the insurance form filled and follow the checklist below, get in touch with our care coordinator who will process your request through our insurance department.
  • In case of out-patient consultation or in-patient admission, we require pre-approvals from the insurance companies

Steps to check while using Cashless:

A patient who wishes to avail insurance coverage needs to keep in mind the following:

  • Patient/ relative should inform about the type of room they want to get admission in at the time of registration. This depends upon the insurance coverage that the patient has. Our representative will help you in this process.
  • At the time of admission a refundable security deposit is taken from all patients, the deposit varies according to the class of admission and will be informed at the time of admission
  • This deposit amount is refunded once the final payment is received by the hospital, after adjusting the deduction of non payable items and any co-payment by patient.

Checklist of items while using Cashless:

  • Patient’s Photo ID proof. (Copy of Passport/ Adhar card/ Pan Card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ School ID/ college ID/ Employee ID)
  • Current year policy papers (In certain cases previous years policy papers may be required by the insurance companies, kindly keep them readily available. To know more about the insurance partner, Email: enquiry@paramountgeneralhospital.com


Basic requirements for registration for cashless TPA patients.

  • At the time of admission a refundable security deposit is taken from all patients, the deposit varies according to the class of admission and will be informed at the time of admission
  • This deposit amount is refunded once the final payment is received by the hospital, after adjusting the deduction of non payable items and any co-payment by patient.
  • Patient/ relative should inform about the type of room they want to get admission in at the time of registration.

Billing and payment for cashless (TPA) patients

  • For TPA patients, if final approval is confirmed then patients can be relieved after some paperwork procedures.
  • Non payable expenses/ items not covered under insurance are collected from patents.

Requirements for Billing of Direct Patients

  • Once a patient is discharged, billing can be done on the first floor for General ward/ Second class and first class patients and on the second floor for ICCU/deluxe and sharing room patients respectively.
  • The deposit amounts are adjusted against the final bill amount and print out of the final settled bill with all details is given.
  • The print out of the bill is shown to the nursing in charge of the ward to collect the discharge card and then relieve the patient.

Requirements for Billing of TPA/ Insurance Patients

  • For TPA patients, if final approval is confirmed then patients can be relieved after some paperwork procedures.
  • Non payable expenses/ items, not covered under insurance are collected from patients.

Our Specialised Surgeries

Paramount Facilities

Cashless/ Mediclaim Facilities

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Just call us for an Appointment.

022 46098602/ 46097461/ 69740600/ 69740601/ 69740602 (30 lines)

Monday - Saturday
8.00 am to 10.00 pm